Enhancement in liver SREBP-1c/PPAR-α ratio and steatosis in obese patients: Correlations with insulin resistance and n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid depletion

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease - Tập 1792 Số 11 - Trang 1080-1086 - 2009
Paulina Pettinelli1, Talía del Pozo2, Julia Araya3, Ramón Rodrigo1, A. Verónica Araya4, G Smok5, Attila Csendes6, Luís Gutiérrez6, Jorge Rojas6, Owen Korn6, Fernando Maluenda6, Juan Carlos Díaz6, G. Rencoret6, Italo Braghetto6, Jaime Castillo6, Jaime Poníachik7, Luis A. Videla1
1Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology Program, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
2Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Gene Expression, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
3Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
4Department of Endocrinology, University of Chile Clinical Hospital, Santiago, Chile
5Department of Pathological Anatomy, University of Chile Clinical Hospital, Santiago, Chile
6Department of Surgery, University of Chile Clinical Hospital, Santiago, Chile
7Department of Medicine, University of Chile, Clinical Hospital, Santiago, Chile

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