Enhanced spectrum slicing: wavelength division multiplexing approach for mitigating atmospheric attenuation in optical communication
Tóm tắt
Over last decades, the free space optics (FSO) emerged as most prominent way of communication over radio frequency communication and microwave communication. The FSO works in the same way optical fiber cable (OFC) network works with the only difference that the optical beams were transmitted through the free space and not by using the OFC core i.e. the glass fiber. The presence of mist, fog, rain and clouds in the atmosphere directly affects the performance of FSO and the power of propagating signal is degraded significantly. Since the wavelength of propagating beam is comparable to size of fog particles, they mainly lead to atmospheric attenuation. To mitigate the impact of atmospheric attenuation on signals, the present study develops a spectrum slicing (SS)-wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system with Pre and Post Amplification. The performance of the proposed SS-WDM-Pre and SS-WDM-Post scheme is analyzed and then compared with the traditional SS-WDM model in the Opti-system in terms of Q-factor and BER values. The analysis of the proposed and traditional scheme is done under varying attenuation and power signals during summer, winter, autumn and spring season.The comparative analysis proved that the performance of the proposed SS-WDM-Post and SS-WDM-Pre-model is more effective and efficient when compared with the traditional SS-WDM model in terms of Q-Factor and BER during all 4 seasons.
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