Energy efficient offloading scheme for MEC-based augmented reality system
Tóm tắt
Augmented reality (AR) is a recent communication paradigm that is considered one of the primary functions of the fifth-generation cellular system (5G). AR is one of the ultra-reliable low latency communications since it requires a total delay of about 5 ms for AR applications. Since mobile devices are battery-operated and have many limitations in computing resources, i.e., processing, storage, and energy, computing tasks associated with mobile AR applications have to be offloaded to nearby devices with sufficient computing resources. To this end, this paper provides a system structure for mobile AR and web-based AR applications; based on the modified multi-level mobile edge computing system (MM-MEC). Furthermore, the required offloading algorithms for managing data offloading from mobile devices to edge servers are introduced. The algorithms are latency and energy-aware, as the selection of the executing device for the AR computing tasks achieves the highest energy and latency efficiency. The proposed structure and offloading techniques have been validated through simulation processes. The developed framework and the proposed offloading schemes have been simulated over a reliable environment for various simulation The suggested system and its offloading methods were simulated in a dependable environment for a number of simulation situations.
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