Endogenous population growth may imply chaos

Journal of Population Economics - Tập 8 - Trang 59-80 - 1995
Alexia Prskawetz1, Gustav Feichtinger2
1Institute for Demography, Vienna, Austria
2Institute for Econometrics, Technical University, Vienna, Austria

Tóm tắt

We consider a discrete-time neoclassical growth model with an endogenous rate of population growth. The resulting one-dimensional map for the capital intensity has a tilted z-shape. Using the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, we obtain numerical results on the qualitative behaviour of time paths for changing parameter values. Besides stable and periodic solutions, erratic time paths may result. In particular, myopic and far-sighted economies — assumed to be characterised by low and high savings rate respectively — are characterised by stable per capita capital stocks, while solutions with chaotic windows exist between these two extremes.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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