Empowering minority women: Autonomy versus participation
Tóm tắt
Feminist attempts to empower women within their own cultural traditions have employed two broad strategies: authentic choice and participation. This article argues that the methodological problems that beset the authentic choice strategy tell in favour of the participation approach. However, proponents of the participation strategy have failed to pay sufficient attention to the background conditions that need to be met if women are to make effective use of the institutional mechanisms their models advocate. If women are to be effective political agents at least some of the most serious structural inequalities that women face must be addressed. A nuanced statement of the participation strategy must therefore take account of long-standing feminist concerns regarding economic equality and access to resources. Although this approach falls short of the demanding conditions for democratic citizenship implicit in the authentic choice strategy, it nonetheless places significant limits on the scope of participatory strategies and links the goal of empowering women within their own cultural traditions to wider feminist struggles to secure greater economic equality for women in general.
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