Embryology of tribeDrypeteae, an enigmatic taxon ofEuphorbiaceae

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 215 - Trang 189-208 - 1999
Toru Tokuoka1, Hiroshi Tobe1
1Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Tóm tắt

The tribeDrypeteae, whose traditional assignment inPhyllanthoideae ofEuphorbiaceae is now doubtful, is studied embryologically on the basis of a literature survey and examination of six additional species in two of the four constituent genera.Drypeteae are characterized by having several embryological features that are unknown in otherPhyllanthoideae, such as a two- or three-celled ovule archesporium; a thin, two cell-layered parietal layer in the nucellus; no nucellar beak or cap; an early disintegrating nucellar tissue; thick, multiplicative, inner and outer integuments; an endothelium; a few discrete vascular bundles in the outer integument; and a fibrous exotegmen (or its derived state). EmbryologicallyDrypeteae do not fit within thePhyllanthoideae and, as available nucleotide sequence data from therbcL gene suggest, are rather placed nearErythroxylaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Chrysobalanaceae, andLinaceae. Drypeteae share with those families a combination of the fibrous exotegmen, the endothelium, and the thick, multiplicative inner integument.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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