Elevated Arsenic and Uranium Concentrations in Unregulated Water Sources on the Navajo Nation, USA

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 113-124 - 2016
Joseph Hoover1, Melissa Gonzales2, Chris Shuey3, Yolanda Barney4, Johnnye Lewis1
1Community Environmental Health Program, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
2Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
3Southwest Research and Information Center, Albuquerque, USA
4Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency - Public Water Systems Supervisory Program, Window Rock, USA

Tóm tắt

Regional water pollution and use of unregulated water sources can be an important mixed metals exposure pathway for rural populations located in areas with limited water infrastructure and an extensive mining history. Using censored data analysis and mapping techniques we analyzed the joint geospatial distribution of arsenic and uranium in unregulated water sources throughout the Navajo Nation, where over 500 abandoned uranium mine sites are located in the rural southwestern United States. Results indicated that arsenic and uranium concentrations exceeded national drinking water standards in 15.1 % (arsenic) and 12.8 % (uranium) of tested water sources. Unregulated sources in close proximity (i.e., within 6 km) to abandoned uranium mines yielded significantly higher concentrations of arsenic or uranium than more distant sources. The demonstrated regional trends for potential co-exposure to these chemicals have implications for public policy and future research. Specifically, to generate solutions that reduce human exposure to water pollution from unregulated sources in rural areas, the potential for co-exposure to arsenic and uranium requires expanded documentation and examination. Recommendations for prioritizing policy and research decisions related to the documentation of existing health exposures and risk reduction strategies are also provided.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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