Electrophysiological and Theoretical Analysis of Depolarization-Dependent Outward Currents in the Dendritic Membrane of an Identified Nonspiking Interneuron in Crayfish

Journal of Computational Neuroscience - Tập 9 - Trang 187-205 - 2000
Akira Takashima1, Masakazu Takahata1
1Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Tóm tắt

Depolarization-dependent outward currents were analyzed using the single-electrode voltage clamp technique in the dendritic membrane of an identified nonspiking interneuron (LDS interneuron) in situ in the terminal abdominal ganglion of crayfish. When the membrane was depolarized by more than 20 mV from the resting potential (65.0 ± 5.7 mV), a transient outward current was observed to be followed by a sustained outward current. Pharmacological experiments revealed that these outward currents were composed of 3 distinct components. A sustained component (I s) was activated slowly (half rise time > 5 msec) and blocked by 20 mM TEA. A transient component (I t1) that was activated and inactivated very rapidly (peak time < 2.5 msec, half decay time < 1.2 msec) was also blocked by 20 mM TEA. Another transient component (I t2) was blocked by 100 μM 4AP, activated rapidly (peak time < 10.0 msec) and inactivated slowly (half decay time > 131.8 msec). Two-step pulse experiments have revealed that both sustained and transient components are not inactivated at the resting potential: the half-maximal inactivation was attained at −21.0 mV in I t1, and −38.0 mV in I t2. I s showed no noticeable inactivation. When the membrane was initially held at the resting potential level and clamped to varying potential levels, the half-maximal activation was attained at −36.0 mV in I s, −31.0 mV in I t1 and −40.0 mV in I t2. The activation and inactivation time constants were both voltage dependent. A mathematical model of the LDS interneuron was constructed based on the present electrophysiological records to simulate the dynamic interaction of outward currents during membrane depolarization. The results suggest that those membrane conductances found in this study underlie the outward rectification of the interneuron membrane as well as depolarization-dependent shaping of the excitatory synaptic potential observed in current-clamp experiments.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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