Electroencephalogram and visual evoked potential generation in a mathematical model of coupled cortical columns

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 73 - Trang 357-366 - 1995
Ben H. Jansen1, Vincent G. Rit1
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Bioengineering Research Center, University of Houston, Houston, USA

Tóm tắt

This study deals with neurophysiologically based models simulating electrical brain activity (i.e., the electroencephalogram or EEG, and evoked potentials or EPs). A previously developed lumped-parameter model of a single cortical column was implemented using a more accurate computational procedure. Anatomically acceptable values for the various model parameters were determined, and a multi-dimensional exploration of the model parameter-space was conducted. It was found that the model could produce a large variety of EEG-like waveforms and rhythms. Coupling two models, with delays in the interconnections to simulate the synaptic connections within and between cortical areas, made it possible to replicate the spatial distribution of alpha and beta activity. EPs were simulated by presenting pulses to the input of the coupled models. In general, the responses were more realistic than those produced using a single model. Our simulations also suggest that the scalp-recorded EP is at least partially due to a phase reordering of the ongoing activity.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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