Efficient design of a wideband tunable microstrip filtenna for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio systems

Rania H. Elabd1, Amr H. Hussein2,3
1Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, High Institute of Engineering and Technology, New Damietta, Egypt
2Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
3Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Horus University Egypt, New Damietta, Egypt

Tóm tắt

This paper presents a novel design of a compact, wideband tunable microstrip filtenna system for effective spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) applications. The proposed filtenna structure has a total bandwidth of $$1.63\,\text{GHz}$$ and flexible frequency scanning design throughout the frequency range from $$1.93\,\text{ to }\,3.56\,\text{ GHz}$$ with high selectivity and narrow bandwidths ranging from $$39.9\,\text{to}53\,\text{MHz}$$ . Frequency tuning is accomplished electrically via integrating a varactor diode into the filtenna construction. The filtenna is realized on a Rogers TMM4 substrate with $$h=1.52\,\text{mm}$$ thickness and relative dielectric constant of $${\varepsilon }_{r}=4.5$$ with dimensions of $$(25\times 35)\, {\text{mm}}^{2}$$ . The obtained gain and efficiency of the filtenna ranged from $$0.7$$ to $$2.26\,\text{dBi}$$ and 49% to 60%, respectively, within the tuning range. Simple biasing circuitry, wideband operation, and compact planar structure are distinctive and appealing aspects of the design. For the manufactured prototypes, a significant level of agreement is found between the simulated and measured results in terms of scattering parameter $${\text{S}}_{11}$$ and radiation patterns at different operating frequencies.

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