Effects of topography on dynamic responses of single piles under vertical cyclic loading
Tóm tắt
This paper describes model tests of single piles subjected to vertical cyclic compressive loading for three kinds of topography: sloping ground, level ground, and inclined bedrock. Comprehensive dynamic responses involving cyclic effects and vibration behaviours are studied under various load combinations of dynamic amplitude, mean load, frequency and number of cycles. Test results show that permanent settlement can generally be predicted with a quadratic function or power function of cycles. Sloping ground topography produces more pronounced settlement than level ground under the same load condition. For vibration behaviour, displacement amplitude is weakly affected by the number of cycles, while load amplitude significantly influences dynamic responses. Test results also reveal that increasing load amplitude intensifies nonlinearity and topography effects. The strain distribution in a pile and soil stress at the pile tip are displayed to investigate the vibration mechanism accounting for sloping ground effects. Furthermore, the dynamic characteristics among three kinds of topography in the elastic stage are studied using a three-dimensional finite method. Numerical results are validated by comparing with experimental results for base inclination topography. An inclined soil profile boundary causes non-axisymmetric resultant deformation, though a small difference in vertical displacement is observed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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