Effects of the Terra Nova offshore oil development on benthic macro-invertebrates over 10 years of development drilling on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada

Michael D. Paine1, Elisabeth M. DeBlois2, Bruce W. Kilgour3, Ellen Tracy4, Patricia Pocklington5, Roger D. Crowley6, Urban P. Williams7, G. Gregory Janes6
1Paine, Ledge and Associates, 302-1050 Bowron Court, North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7H 2X6
2Elisabeth DeBlois Inc., 456 Marine Drive, Logy Bay, NL, Canada A1K 3E1
3Kilgour & Associates Ltd., 16, 2285C St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1G 4Z6d
4Stantec Consulting Ltd, 141 Kelsey Drive, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 0L2
5Arenicola Marine Limited, 7 Bishop Avenue, Wolfville, NS, Canada B4P 2L3
6Suncor, 235 Water Street, Suite 201, Scotia Centre, St. John׳s, NL, Canada A1C 1B6
7Suncor, Løkkeveien 107, 4007 Stavanger, Norway

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