Effects of rural–urban migration on agricultural transformation: A case of Yucheng City, China

Journal of Rural Studies - Tập 76 - Trang 85-95 - 2020
Dazhuan Ge1,2, Hualou Long3, Weifeng Qiao2, Zhiwei Wang4, Dongqi Sun3, Ren Yang5
1School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2School of Geography, Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210023, China
3Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research(CAS), Beijing 100101, China
4Comprehensive Reclamation of Land Service Center in Shandong Province, Jinan, 250014, China
5School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

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