Effects of an iPad-Supported Phonics Intervention on Decoding Performance and Time On-Task

Journal of Behavioral Education - Tập 23 - Trang 449-469 - 2014
Kaitlyn M. Larabee1, Matthew K. Burns2, Jennifer J. McComas1
1University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, USA
2University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

Tóm tắt

Despite their recent popularity in schools, there is minimal consensus in the educational literature regarding the use of mobile devices for reading intervention. The word box intervention (Joseph Read Teach 52:348–356, 1998) has been consistently associated with improvements in student decoding performance. This early efficacy study examined an iPad-supported approach to the word box intervention. The participants were three students from the same first grade classroom, all of whom lacked basic decoding skills and two of which were English language learners. The research question was evaluated with a multielement single-case experimental design that compared the standard materials to an equivalent iPad application. Results did not reveal a clear pattern on measures of decoding across the participants. Time on-task was high for both conditions for all three participants. Results indicated a need for future study of mobile-supported reading interventions in similar contexts.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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