Effects of State-Level Abortion and LGBT Laws and Policies on Interstate Migration Attitudes

Population Research and Policy Review - Tập 42 - Trang 1-24 - 2023
Amanda K. Baumle1, Audrey Miller1, Elizabeth Gregory1
1University of Houston, Houston, USA

Tóm tắt

There have been major shifts at the state level in social and legal rights available to women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (“LGBT”) individuals. Variation in policies across states has resulted in a patchwork of rights for these groups. In this study, we examine the effects of state-level policies on migration attitudes, including restrictions on abortion, gender-affirming medical care, transgender individuals’ access to sports in schools, discussions about gender and sexuality in schools, same-sex marriage, and employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. Drawing on survey data from 1061 participants, we pay particular attention to how state-level political context and sociodemographic factors shape desire to move to a state with newly restrictive gender and sexuality policies. Results indicate that restrictive state policies on abortion and LGBT issues serve as both push and pull factors affecting desire to move to a state. Although political orientation provides the greatest explanatory power for migration attitudes, the majority of survey respondents across political orientations reported that these policies either made them less likely to want to move to a state or did not affect their desires. Further, state-level political climate, gender, sexual orientation, race, parenthood status, income, and willingness to migrate for work, political climate, or education were related to migration attitudes. Findings suggest that states enacting these policies could experience economic effects due to a decline in migration, particularly for those seeking employment opportunities or pursuits of higher education. In addition, states could see a decline in migration from women and LGBT individuals, and their allies.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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