Effect of tissue engineering small vessel scaffolds in experimental animals
Tóm tắt
Acellular xenogeneic small vessel scaffolds preliminarily eliminate the xenogeneic antigen that could induce an immune rejection. We transplanted the Wistar rat caudal artery scaffolds into Japanese white rabbit ear central arteries, and observed the changes of blood flow and vessel wall. We acquired 30 caudal arteries from 15 Wistar rats, some were directly assigned as caudal artery group, the others were disposed by 1% p-octyl polyethelene glycol phenyl ether, and were assigned as the group of tissue engineered small vessel scaffold. We collected 15 Japanese white rabbits, and utilized a pair of ear central arteries per rabbit as hosts. Through microscopic surgery, the proximal broken end of central artery was overlapped into the donor’s proximal vessel lumen by sleeve anastomosis, while the distal broken end was sutured by classical end-to-end anastomosis. The maximum patency time of small vessel scaffold was 46 hours and 47 minutes, and which of caudal vessel was 14 hours. The poor blood flow primarily was occurred in distal broken end, while proximal end was connected in pedicle graft structure. On the 10th day, tunica intima fibers in vessel scaffold were still arranged in cylindrical conformation regularly without cell adherence. On the 100th day, tunica intima fibers were still preserved completely in proximal end. The results showed that xenogeneic acellular small vessel scaffold can be transplanted into the host, and the sleeve anastomosis was significantly superior to the classical end-to-end anastomosis.
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