Effect of mono-dopants (Mg2+) and co-dopants (Mg2+, Zr4+) on the dielectric, ferroelectric and optical properties of BaTiO3 ceramics
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In this work, BaTiO3, Ba(Mg0.01Ti0.99)O3, Ba(Mg0.015Ti0.985)O3, Ba(Mg0.02Ti0.98)O3 and Ba(Mg0.01Zr0.15Ti0.84)O3 ceramics have been prepared through conventional solid-state route to investigate the effects of Mg2+ and Zr4+ dopants as mono-substitution (only Mg2+) and co-substitution (Mg2+ and Zr4+) of B-site on the structural, electrical and optical properties of BaTiO3 ceramics. Exhibiting perovskite structure, Ba(Mg
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