Effect of creep on the oxidation characteristics of Fe-Si alloys at 973–1073 K
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Studies of the simultaneous creep and oxidation of Fe-1Si and Fe-4Si alloys at a constant tensile stress of 16 N· mm−2 at 973–1073 K have shown that scales formed at oxygen partial pressures of 20–1013 mbar were thicker by a factor of 2 than those formed on uncrept specimens. Scales on uncrept alloys comprised alternate layers of wustite and fayalite, whereas scales on crept alloys exhibited an additional external layer of magnetite. Only intergranular oxidation (fayalite) was observed in uncrept alloys, but crept alloys showed both intra- and intergranular oxidation (silica). Uniquely nodular scales were formed only on the Fe-4Si alloy on crept and uncrept specimens. Oxidized, uncrept Fe-1Si showed a fine-grained ferrite substrate which was absent in the crept alloy. It is believed that oxide growth stresses stimulated a recrystallization process.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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