Effect of an external mechanical load on elastic stresses near radial cracks in Al2O3-SiC-TiC ceramics: Photoacoustic study

Pleiades Publishing Ltd - Tập 48 - Trang 1028-1034 - 2003
K. L. Muratikov1, A. L. Glazov1
1Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

Tóm tắt

The variation of the photoacoustic signal near the mouths of radial cracks in Vickers-indented externally loaded Al2O3-SiC-TiC ceramics is studied. A theoretical model of a photoacoustic signal that is recorded near the mouths of vertical cracks is suggested. Indentation zones in Al2O3-SiC-TiC ceramics are visualized by laser scanning photoacoustic microscopy. The sensitivity of the photoacoustic method with piezoelectric detection of signals to both normal and shear stresses acting on a crack is demonstrated. Experimental and theoretical data for the effect of external stresses on the photoacoustic signal near the mouths of radial cracks are compared. For the ceramics under study, agreement is fairly good. It is shown that the strain coefficients near the mouths of vertical cracks can be determined from photoacoustic experimental data.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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