Effect of Oxygen Impurity on the Electrical and Optical Properties of CdP2 Crystals

Inorganic Materials - Tập 38 - Trang 640-644 - 2002
A. P. Kudin1
1Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine

Tóm tắt

The effect of process-induced oxygen impurity on the electrical and optical properties of tetragonal CdP2 was studied using crystals grown from the stoichiometric melt and by sublimation. Irradiation of CdP2 with 14-MeV electrons was shown to cause a type conversion and to give rise to a broad, featureless emission band at 1.72 eV. The influence of isochronal anneals on the defect structure of CdP2 was examined. Annealing at 100°C was found to give rise to an emission at 1.82 eV.

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