Effect of Jasmonic Application on Economically Insect Pests and Yeald in Spring Wheat
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Field trials were conducted in spring wheat to observe effects of jasmonic acid (JA) on aphids, thrips and wheat blossom midge (WBM). Two spring wheat varieties (Triso and Kadrilj) were sprayed twice, with two concentrations of JA plus control. Wheat pests and associated natural enemies (Coccinellidae, Empididae and Aphelinidae) were surveyed by direct count and sweep net methods. Thrips larvae and adults and WBM larvae were estimated by dissecting wheat ears. Wheat midge larvae were monitored using white traps in treated and untreated plots. At the end of season, wheat yield was assessed in treated and control plots. There was a significant difference in the number of insect pests and their natural enemies between treatments in both varieties. Plants in control plots had higher numbers of aphids, thrips and midges than in treated plots. There were more aphids, thrips and midges on the variety ‘Triso’ than on ‘Kadrilj’. JA application enhanced wheat yield in treated plots compared to control plots. The results indicated that JA mediated induction of plant defense in wheat plants can improve resistance against insect herbivores. JA could be used to develop environmentally sound crop management with reduced insecticide applications.
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