Effect of Cavitation and Temperature on Fluid Film Bearing Using CFD and FSI Technique: A Review
Tóm tắt
Fluid film bearings are well suited for high-speed industrial machineries like turbine generators and marine propulsion systems. Several numerical methods are employed to theoretically investigate the flow phenomenon and performance parameters of journal bearings, operating under various conditions. This paper reviews various Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Fluid–Structure Interaction (FSI) techniques that are adopted to solve the flow equations pertaining to fluid film bearings. This review attempts to highlight the importance of cavitation, temperature, and their effect on bearing performance using CFD and FSI techniques. A comparison of various performance parameters in the form of load-carrying capacity, oil flow rate, friction as well as deformation and stresses developed in the bearing element due to oil film pressure using CFD and FSI, are also presented. Observations from the reviewed literature are presented which aims to benefit the researchers working in the field of both CFD and FSI analysis on hydrodynamic journal bearing. This review article emphasized the significance of cavitation and temperature effects on journal bearing performance using CFD and FSI techniques.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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