Education: domestication or liberation?

Prospects - Tập 2 Số 2 - Trang 173-181 - 1972
Paulo Freiré1,2
2Office of Education of the World Council of Churches, Geneva

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I have insisted on this point in various different studies. See: Paulo Freire,Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York, N. Y., Herder & Herder, 1970; and ‘Cultural Action for Freedom’, in:Harvard Educational Review and The Center for the Study of Development and Social Change,Monograph Series, No. 1, 1970.

Paulo Freire,Pedagogy of the Oppressed, op. cit.; and ‘Education as Cultural Action’, in: Louis M. Colonnese (ed.),Conscientization for Liberation, Washington D.C., Division for Latin America United States Catholic Conference, 1971.

Ernani Fiori, ‘Education and Conscientization’,Conscientization for Liberation, op. cit., Washington D.C., Division for Latin America United States Catholic Conference, 1971., p. 126–7.

We ironically term this type of action ‘banking education’:Pedagogy of the Oppressed, op. cit. New York, N.Y., Herder & Herder, 1970.

Again I suggest the reading of the essays of Ivan Illich, op. cit. New York, N.Y., Herder & Herder, 1970: the best expression of denunciation today of the myth of schooling.

Paulo Freire,Pedagogy of the Oppressed, op. cit..

Paulo Freire, ‘Notes on Humanisation and its Educational Implications’, mimeographed for the Seminar of Educ-International: Tomorrow Began Yesterday, Rome, November 1970.

For this theme, see Paulo Freire,Cultural Action for Freedom op. cit.

See Paulo Freire, ‘Politische Alphabetisierun. Einführung ins Konzept einer humanisierenden Bildung’,Lutherische Monatshefte, November 1970.

InPedagogy of the Oppressed, I give a whole chapter to this question. In addition, as Unesco Consultant in the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria, ICIRA, Santiago, Chile, I co-ordinated a team to carry out an investigation of this type in one of the rural areas of Chile. The final report was recently published under the title:Investigación de la Temática Cultural de los Campesinos de ‘El Recurso’, ed. by María Edy Ferreira and José Luis Fiori.

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