Editing organization profiles in SCOPUS and the RSCI: Facilities comparison
Tóm tắt
This article describes the experience in editing organization profiles in Scopus and in the Science Index for organizations system, which is an add-on to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The basic functionalities of the two systems are analyzed and comparison of the Science Index for organizations with the possibilities of editing an organization profile in Scopus is carried out. An attempt is made to give an objective assessment of the current state of the two systems from the user’s point of view. The conclusion is made that despite the more extensive functionalities of the Science Index for organizations, the feedback system in Scopus is well thought out and provides better control of changes that are requested by organizations. In the system of editing the profile of an organization in the RSCI the functional tools are characterized by a low level of moderation, which has a formal character; therefore, it can be used not only to edit a profile, but to create unreasonable increases in the values of bibliometric indicators.
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