Ecological effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation
Geir Ottersen1, Benjamin Planque2, Andrea Belgrano3, Eric Post4, Philip C. Reid5, Nils Chr. Stenseth6
1Institute of Marine Research, P.O. Box 1870, Nordnes, 5024 Bergen, Norway
2Laboratoire d'Ecologie Halieutique, IFREMER, BP 21105, 44311, Nantes, Cedex 03, France
3Kristineberg Marine Research Station, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2130 Kristineberg, 450 34, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden
4Department of Biology, Penn State University, 208 Mueller Lab, 16802-5301, University Park, PA, USA
5Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS), 1 Walker Terrace, PL1 3BN, Plymouth, UK
6Division of Zoology, Department of Biology, University of Oslo, P.O Box 1050 Blindern, 0316, Oslo, Norway