Dynamics of Daphnia hyalina × galeata in Castelo-do-Bode Reservoir: The effect of food availability and flatworm predation
Tóm tắt
Daphnia hyalina × galeata in Castelo-do-Bode Reservoir was regulated mainly by food availability during the summers of 1993 and 1994. Because of high temperatures and low rainfall in 1994, the reservoir was, apparently, more eutrophic relatively to 1993. Higher chlorophyll-a concentrations and higher clutch size in 1994 suggest that Daphnia population benefited from better feeding conditions in 1994. The analysis of the contributions from fecundity and adult proportion to birth rate variation suggest that vertebrate predation and predation by copepods were negligible factors as population organisers. A general decrease in the abundance of large crustaceans during the periods of high density of typhloplanid flatworms, in both years, points to the importance of flatworm predation on zooplankton. A decrease in the number of individuals in all Daphnia size classes was observed during the periods of flatworms population increase.
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