Dynamic Insurance Decision-Making for Rare Events: The Role of Emotions

Howard Kunreuther1, Mark V. Pauly2
1Department of Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
2Department of Health Care Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Tóm tắt

This paper describes the results of a web-based experiment that uses respondents’ stated preferences for purchasing insurance for low-probability, high-consequence events where the probability of a loss and its consequences are stable over time. We contrast the predictions of a model of insurance choice based on expected utility [E(U)] maximisation with those of an alternative behavioural model. The majority of subjects reported insurance purchasing behaviour consistent with expected utility theory; however, a sizeable number of uninsured individuals decided to purchase insurance after learning that they had suffered a loss whereby they responded that their prior choice to be uninsured made them unhappy. In this sense, the study shows that a loss coupled with self-reported emotions linked to the loss is likely to play an important role in convincing some uninsured persons to buy coverage. In contrast, insured individuals who did not suffer a loss rarely dropped coverage.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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