Drug-related Myopathies of Which the Clinician Should Be Aware

Ritu Valiyil1, Lisa Christopher‐Stine1
1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 5200 Eastern Avenue, MFL Center Tower, Suite 4100, Baltimore, MD, 21224, USA

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• Joy TR, Hegele RA: Narrative review: statin-related myopathy. Ann Intern Med 2009, 150:858–868. This is a nice comprehensive overview of statin myopathy to date.

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• Backes JM, Venero CV, Gibson CA, et al.: Effectiveness and tolerability of every-other-day rosuvastatin dosing in patients with prior statin intolerance. Ann Pharmacother 2008, 42:341–346. This alternative dosing strategy offers an alternative dosing schedule for statin-intolerant patients.

• Ruisinger JF, Backes JM, Gibson CA, Moriarty PM: Once-a-week rosuvastatin (2.5 to 20 mg) in patients with a previous statin intolerance. Am J Cardiol 2009, 103:393–394. Like that by Backes et al. [21•], this study provided some data to suggest tolerability and efficacy for alternative statin dosing scheduled in statin-intolerant patients. This study noted a 17% reduction in total cholesterol, a 23% reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a 12% reduction in triglycerides, and a 5% increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (all P < 0.001) during a mean follow-up of 4 ± 2 months.

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• Grable-Esposito P, Katzberg HD, Greenberg SA, et al.: Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy associated with statins. Muscle Nerve 2010, 41:185–190. This study demonstrated a robust association between a presumed necrotizing myopathy and statin exposure.

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