Doing interpretive research
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Tài liệu tham khảo
Barrett M, 2004, Information System Research: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice
Bryman A, 2001, Social Research Methods
Callon M, 1986, Power, Action and Belief: A New Sociology of Knowledge
Diener E, 1978, Ethics in Social and Behavioural Research
Geertz C, 1973, The Interpretation of Cultures
Glaser BG, 1967, The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research
Latour B, 1987, Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society
Layder D, 1993, New Strategies in Social Research
Mingers J, 2004, Social Theory and Philosophy for Information Systems
Van Maanen J, 1988, Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography
Van Maanen J, 1989, The Information Systems Research Challenge
Walsham G, 1993, Interpreting Information Systems in Organizations
Walsham G, 2001, Making a World of Difference: IT in a Global Context