Does the board of directors as Fat Cats exert more earnings management? Evidence from Benford’s law

The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance - Tập 68 - Trang 158-170 - 2018
Fengyi Lin1, Li-Jung Lin2,3, Chin-Chen Yeh4, Teng-Shih Wang5
1Department of Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology, 1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 10608, Taiwan, ROC
2Graduate Institute of Industrial and Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, ROC
3Department of Public Finance and Tax Administration, National Taipei University of Business, 321, Sec. 1, Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan, ROC
4Department of Accounting, Tamkang-University, 151, Yingzhuan Rd., Tamsui District, New Taipei City, 25137, Taiwan, ROC
5Department of Accounting, Ming Chuan University, 250 Zhong Shan N. Rd., Sec. 5, Shilin District, Taipei City 11103, Taiwan, ROC

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