Diurnal Variations in Steady-state Plasma Concentrations of Valproic Acid in Epileptic Patients
Tóm tắt
Patients on long term valproate treatment exhibit unusual fluctuations in steady-state plasma levels of valproic acid. In order to delineate the underlying mechanisms of these fluctuations, 2 studies were undertaken. In the oral study, 6 epileptic patients received enteric-coated sodium valproate tablets (on a bid regimen for at least 1 month) and plasma levels were monitored on an hourly basis during 24 hours. In the intravenous study, 5 patients received first an intravenous bolus dose (800mg) of sodium valproate followed a week later by a combination intravenous loading dose/constant rate infusion for 36 hours. Plasma valproic acid concentrations were monitored hourly during the infusion study. In the oral study, valproic acid concentrations in all subjects continued to decay for 5 to 6 hours following the 8pm dose. The mean fluctuation in concentrations during 24 hours was 112.8 ± 31.6%. Consecutive fasting levels were not reproducible. In the intravenous study, small but significant oscillations were present at steady-state; fluctuations ranged from 22 to 34%. However, no circadian rhythm was apparent. On the basis of these findings, it appears that the value of a single fasting sample during therapeutic monitoring of valproic acid is questionable. For an accurate evaluation of valproic acid plasma levels, an average concentration based upon several daily determinations should be performed.
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