Distribution of Exposure Concentrations and Doses for Constituents of Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Risk Analysis - Tập 19 - Trang 375-390 - 1999
Judy S. LaKind1, Michael E. Ginevan2, Daniel Q. Naiman3, Anthony C. James4, Roger A. Jenkins5, Michael L. Dourson6, Susan P. Felter6, Carol G. Graves7, Robert G. Tardiff7
1LaKind Associates, LLC, USA
2M. E. Ginevan and Associates, USA
3Department of Mathematical Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
4A. C. James and Associates, USA
5Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
7The Sapphire Group, Inc., Bethesda

Tóm tắt

The ultimate goal of the research reported in this series of three articles is to derive distributions of doses of selected environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)-related chemicals for nonsmoking workers. This analysis uses data from the 16-City Study collected with personal monitors over the course of one workday in workplaces where smoking occurred. In this article, we describe distributions of ETS chemical concentrations and the characteristics of those distributions (e.g., whether the distribution was log normal for a given constituent) for the workplace exposure. Next, we present population parameters relevant for estimating dose distributions and the methods used for estimating those dose distributions. Finally, we derive distributions of doses of selected ETS-related constituents obtained in the workplace for people in smoking work environments. Estimating dose distributions provided information beyond the usual point estimate of dose and showed that the preponderance of individuals exposed to ETS in the workplace were exposed at the low end of the dose distribution curve. The results of this analysis include estimations of hourly maxima and time-weighted average (TWA) doses of nicotine from workplace exposures to ETS (extrapolated from 1 day to 1 week) and doses derived from modeled lung burdens of ultraviolet-absorbing particulate matter (UVPM) and solanesol resulting from workplace exposures to ETS (extrapolated from 1 day to 1 year).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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