Distributed computing connected components with linear communication cost

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 36 - Trang 555-592 - 2018
Xing Feng1, Lijun Chang2, Xuemin Lin3, Lu Qin1, Wenjie Zhang3, Long Yuan4
1University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
2University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
3University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
4East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Tóm tắt

The paper studies three fundamental problems in graph analytics, computing connected components (CCs), biconnected components (BCCs), and 2-edge-connected components (ECCs) of a graph. With the recent advent of big data, developing efficient distributed algorithms for computing CCs, BCCs and ECCs of a big graph has received increasing interests. As with the existing research efforts, we focus on the Pregel programming model, while the techniques may be extended to other programming models including MapReduce and Spark. The state-of-the-art techniques for computing CCs and BCCs in Pregel incur $$O(m\times \#\text {supersteps})$$ total costs for both data communication and computation, where m is the number of edges in a graph and #supersteps is the number of supersteps. Since the network communication speed is usually much slower than the computation speed, communication costs are the dominant costs of the total running time in the existing techniques. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm based on graph decomposition to compute CCs and BCCs with O(m) total communication cost. The total computation costs of our techniques are also smaller than that of the existing techniques in practice, though theoretically almost the same. Moreover, we also study distributed computing ECCs. We are the first to study this problem and an approach with O(m) total communication cost is proposed. Comprehensive empirical studies demonstrate that our approaches can outperform the existing techniques by one order of magnitude regarding the total running time.

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