Disparities in dermatology AI performance on a diverse, curated clinical image set

Science advances - Tập 8 Số 32 - 2022
Roxana Daneshjou1,2, Kailas Vodrahalli1,2, Weixin Liang1,2, Melissa J. Jenkins1,2, Veronica Rotemberg1,2, Justin Ko1,2, Susan M. Swetter1,2, Elizabeth E. Bailey1,2, Olivier Gevaert1,2, Pritam Mukherjee1,2, Michelle Phung1,2, Kiana Yekrang1,2, Bradley Fong1,2, Rachna Sahasrabudhe1,2, James Zou1,2, Albert S. Chiou1,2
1Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY, 10065
2Stanford University, CA, 94305

Tóm tắt

An estimated 3 billion people lack access to dermatological care globally. Artificial intelligence (AI) may aid in triaging skin diseases and identifying malignancies. However, most AI models have not been assessed on images of diverse skin tones or uncommon diseases. Thus, we created the Diverse Dermatology Images (DDI) dataset—the first publicly available, expertly curated, and pathologically confirmed image dataset with diverse skin tones. We show that state-of-the-art dermatology AI models exhibit substantial limitations on the DDI dataset, particularly on dark skin tones and uncommon diseases. We find that dermatologists, who often label AI datasets, also perform worse on images of dark skin tones and uncommon diseases. Fine-tuning AI models on the DDI images closes the performance gap between light and dark skin tones. These findings identify important weaknesses and biases in dermatology AI that should be addressed for reliable application to diverse patients and diseases.

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