Directional pedestrian counting with a hybrid map-based model
Tóm tắt
Detection-based pedestrian counting methods produce results of considerable accuracy in non-crowded scenes. However, the detection-based approach is dependent on the camera viewpoint. On the other hand, map-based pedestrian counting methods are performed by measuring features that do not require separate detection of each pedestrian in the scene. Thus, these methods are more effective especially in high crowd density. In this paper, we propose a hybrid map-based model that is a new directional pedestrian counting model. Our proposed model is composed of direction estimation module with classified foreground motion vectors, and pedestrian counting module with principal component analysis. Our contributions in this paper have two aspects. First, we present a directional moving pedestrian counting system that does not depend on object detection or tracking. Second, the number and major directions of pedestrian movements can be detected, by classifying foreground motion vectors. This representation is more powerful than simple features in terms of handling noise, and can count the moving pedestrians in images more accurately.
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