Direct pulp capping in primary molars using a resin-modified Portland cement-based material (TheraCal) compared to MTA with 12-month follow-up: a randomised clinical trial
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This study was to compare the success of resin-modified Portland cement-based material (TheraCal) with MTA in direct pulp capping (DPC) of primary molars. Symmetrical bilateral primary molars (92) from 46 healthy subjects aged 5–7 years were included in this split-mouth randomised clinical trial. DPC for small non-contaminated pulp exposures using either TheraCal or MTA were randomly performed in symmetrical molars. Thereafter, teeth were restored with amalgam. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed at 6 and 12 month follow-ups. Data were analysed using Chi square test at a significance level of 0.05. At the final follow-up session 74 teeth were available. After 12 months, the overall success rates for MTA and TheraCal were 94.5 and 91.8%, respectively. The difference between outcomes of the two groups was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Within the limitations of the current study, radiographic and clinical findings revealed that TheraCal exhibited a comparable outcome to MTA in DPC of primary molars after 12 months.
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