Digitalization plan in medical education during COVID-19 lockdown

Informatics in Medicine Unlocked - Tập 20 - Trang 100432 - 2020
Mohammad S. Alkhowailed1, Zafar Rasheed2, Ali Shariq3, Ahmed Elzainy4,5, Abir El Sadik4,5, Abdullah S. Alkhamiss6, Ahmed M. Alsolai6, Sharifa Khalid Alduraibi7, Alaa Khalid Alduraibi7, Ahmad Alamro8, Homaidan T. Alhomaidan9, Waleed Al Abdulmonem6
1Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
3Department of Microbiology, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
4Department of Anatomy and Embryology, College of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
5Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
6Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
7Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
8Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia
9Family and Community Medicine Department, Qassim University, Buraidah, Saudi Arabia

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