Digital twins: artificial intelligence and the IoT cyber-physical systems in Industry 4.0
Tóm tắt
This paper presents a summary of mechanisms for the evolution of artificial intelligence in ‘internet of things’ networks. Firstly, the paper investigates how the use of new technologies in industrial systems improves organisational resilience supporting both a technical and human level. Secondly, the paper reports empirical results that correlate academic literature with Industry 4.0 interdependencies between edge components to both external and internal services and systems. The novelty of the paper is a new approach for creating a virtual representation operating as a real-time digital counterpart of a physical object or process (i.e., digital twin) outlined in a conceptual diagram. The methodology applied in this paper resembled a grounded theory analysis of complex interconnected and coupled systems. By connecting the human–computer interactions in different information knowledge management systems, this paper presents a summary of mechanisms for the evolution of artificial intelligence in internet of things networks.
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