Differential Effects of Two Spelling Procedures on Acquisition, Maintenance and Adaption to Reading

Journal of Behavioral Education - Tập 16 - Trang 70-81 - 2006
Gary L Cates1, Megan Dunne1, Karyn N Erkfritz1, Aaron Kivisto1, Nicole Lee1, Jennifer Wierzbicki1
1Illinois State University, Psychology Department, Normal, USA

Tóm tắt

An alternating treatments design was used to assess the effects of a constant time delay (CTD) procedure and a cover-copy-compare (CCC) procedure on three students’ acquisition, subsequent maintenance, and adaptation (i.e., application) of acquired spelling words to reading passages. Students were randomly presented two trials of word lists from their respective curriculum under each condition once daily. Results suggest that both procedures were effective for helping students efficiently acquire spelling words, but the CCC condition resulted in more words learned for all participants, although less pronounced when instructional time was considered. However, the CTD procedure resulted in substantially higher levels of maintenance for Jeremy and Leon, with no significant difference between the two procedures for the Anthony. Adaptation of acquired spelling words to reading was about equal under both conditions for Anthony and Leon, while Jeremy showed higher levels of performance in the CTD procedure. Discussion focuses on discrepant results, matching instructional procedures to specific learning concerns, and directions for future research.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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