Die Temperaturabhängigkeit semilunarer und diurnaler Schlüpfrhythmen bei der intertidalen MückeClunio marinus (Diptera, Chironomidae)
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On Helgoland (North Sea), the imagines ofClunio emerge during two seasonal periods (late spring and summer) from water temperatures of 8°–18 °C. The temperature dependence of the known semilunar eclosion rhythm ofClunio (correlated in nature with the spring tides every 14–15 days) was tested in the laboratory. Between 15° and 23 °C the semilunar eclosion maxima varied by only one day within the artifical 15-day zeitgebercycle, below 15 °C they were delayed up to 8 days at 8 °C. However, the days of pupation were approximately independent of the temperature level. One can conclude the existence of a temperature-independent physiological switch inducing the pupation only within a few days of the semilunar zeitgeber-cycle. Moreover, a semilunar synchronized differentiation of the imaginal discs already starts in the preceding larval instar, indicating an additional physiological switch. A model is suggested in which the semilunar eclosion rhythm and its relatively slight temperature dependence is explained by the action of two physiological switches which are coupled with the endogenous temperature-compensated lunar timing mechanism on the same days of the 15-day zeitgeber-cycle. In the laboratory, the diurnal eclosion and its underlying circadian timing mechanism (correlated on Helgoland with the time of spring low water in the late afternoon) also proved to be temperature independent between 12° and 20 °C. A comparison of field and laboratory data showed very similar results at temperatures around 18 °C (summer swarming period). In contrast, the midges emerged on all days of the semimonthly cycle of springs and neaps during the spring swarming period. This lack of semilunar synchronization may be the consequence of fluctuating temperatures during the larval and pupal development in spring time due to a general rise in the water temperature (4°–8 °C) and to short temperature rises up to 18 °C during exposure of the intertidal habitat at about low tide. Since some higher parts of theClunio habitat suitable for egg deposition are exposed on almost every day of the semimonthly cycle, even such animals that undergo lunar unsynchronized metamorphosis can reproduce within the short imaginal life duration (ca 2 h) if they emerge just about the time of low water. In correspondence with the daily delay in the times of low water by about 50 min, the diurnal eclosion rhythm was in fact modified with the tides during the spring period resulting in shifts of the diurnal eclosion time of up to 12 hours within the semimonthly cycle of springs and neaps.
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