Diaper dermatitis: a survey of risk factors in Thai children aged under 24 months
Tóm tắt
To identify the prevalence and risk factors associated with diaper dermatitis in Thai children aged 1–24 months. This was a cross-sectional study of 1153 participants using structural questionnaires, which was conducted at Khon Kaen University Faculty of Medicine Pediatric department in Thailand. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to test the association between diaper dermatitis and its possible risk factors. The prevalence of diaper dermatitis among the study population was 36.1%, a rate which significantly decreased with age. The highest prevalence was found in subjects who were one to six months old. Risk factors that had a statistically significant association with diaper dermatitis in both univariate and multivariate analysis were i) diaper changing fewer than three times/night, ii) previous episodes of diaper rash, iii) using cloth diapers, and iv) topical application of baby talcum powder to the diaper area. Frequent diaper changings during the daytime do not compensate for fewer changings during the night. Moreover, the use of baby talcum powder on the diaper area significantly increased the risk of diaper dermatitis among the study population. These findings should be applied in future preventive strategies for diaper dermatitis in this age group.
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