Diagnostic and pathomorphological aspects of glioma multiplicity

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 233-241 - 1980
H. Budka1, I. Podreka1, Th. Reisner1, K. Zeiler1
1Neurological Institute and Neurological Clinic, University of Vienna, Wien, Austria

Tóm tắt

A series of 11 patients with multiple glioma foci is reported with emphasis upon isotope brain scan, angiography, and CT findings; autopsy data is available in 8 cases. In many patients it was necessary to combine the results of several diagnostic techniques in order to demonstrate all the foci proven at autopsy. Thus, the desirability of combining diagnostic techniques in the investigation of glioma patients must be stressed. In spite of this approach, however, multiple metastases and the various types of multiple gliomas are often indistinguishable from each other by current diagnostic techniques. In order to avoid the frequently misused term multicentric, a simple classification based on histopathological studies is proposed: Controversy still surrounds the pathogenesis of multiple gliomas. According to Willis' concept of the origin of gliomas by (pre)blastomatous transformation of a large “field”, multiple foci of tumour may only be apparent within the field during the early stages of growth. On the other hand, patients with glioma may die before they have developed successive tumour foci.

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