Diabetes Vis-a-vis Mind and Body
Tóm tắt
Health as defined by World Health Organization (WHO) is not only freedom from disease but also normal physical and psychological well being. Metabolic diseases are becoming more common due to our faculty life style and adjustment to very fast changing environments and demands. Diabetes is one of them. Currently up to 10 percent of Indian's urban population and 2 percent of rural population above the age of 15 have diabetes. An earlier WHO report had noted that it is no longer considered a disease of affluence, given the changing life styles and diets of third world communities. Even the median age when an urban Indian is likely to develop diabetes is falling alarmingly, with men and women in their mid 30's and early 40's showingfull blown symptoms of a type diabetes that usually occurs only much later.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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