Dexamethasone Impairs Growth Hormone (GH)-Stimulated Growth by Suppression of Local Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I Production and Expression of GH- and IGF-I-Receptor in Cultured Rat Chondrocytes*

Endocrinology - Tập 139 Số 7 - Trang 3296-3305 - 1998
Christian Jux1, Kathrin Leiber2, Ulrike Hügel2, Werner Blum3, Claes Ohlsson4, Günter Klaus5, Otto Mehls2
1Department of Pediatrics, University Children's Hospitals, Heidelberg, Germany.
2From the Departments of Pediatrics (C.J., K.L., U.H., O.M.), D-35033, Germany
3University Children’s Hospitals, Heidelberg, D-69120 Giessen (W.B.), D-35033, Germany
4Research Center of Endocrinology and Metabolism (C.O.), Sahlgrenska Hospital, University of Göteborg, Sweden S-41345
5D-35392, Marburg (G.K.), D-35033, Germany

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