Development of sulphonamide-trimethoprim combinations for urinary tract infections
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Plasma levels and renal excretion of sulphonamide and trimethoprim following oral administration of co-trimazine (410 mg sulphadiazine + 90 mg trimethoprim) and co-trimoxazole (800 mg sulphamethoxazole + 180 mg trimethoprim) were monitored in healthy volunteers after a single dose and in the steady state after 12-hourly dosage. The plasma levels of free, non-protein bound components after co-trimazine were approximately half those after co-trimoxazole and thus correlated with the doses given. Urine recovery of trimethoprim was better after cotrimazine (70%) than after co-trimoxazole (58%). Sixty-six percent of the sulphadiazine was recovered as unchanged, active sulphonamide in the urine compared with only 13% of the sulphamethoxazole. Consequently, the sulphonamide levels of sulphadiazine were 2.5 times those of sulphamethoxazole. With respect to plasma half-life after the first dose, sulphadiazine with 8.0 hours was closer to trimethoprim with a half-life of 8.8 hours after cotrimazine and 9.6 hours after co-trimoxazole than to the half-life of sulphamethoxazole which was 7.7 hours. The distribution volume of sulphadiazine was closer to that of trimethoprim than was that of sulphamethoxazole. On the basis of these characteristics, it has been concluded that sulphadiazine is more suitable for a fixed combination tablet with trimethoprim than sulphamethoxazole, particularly for the treatment of urinary tract infections. Some renal tubular reabsorption occurs with both unchanged sulphonamides but is more pronounced with sulphamethoxazole. The solubilities of the sulphonamides and their acetylated metabolites at acid urinary pH indicate that therapy with co-trimazine is at least as safe as with co-trimoxazole. With the former drug, the result of scrutiny for crystals after dosage until the steady state was negative, whereas crystals of acetylated sulphamethoxazole were detected and verified chemically in two of eight subjects.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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