Development of bactericidal properties against gram-negative organisms in the serum of young animals
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The bactericidal activity of sera obtained from piglets reared without maternal colostrum and under sterile conditions, was studied. These sera, which contain complement, but not even a trace of antibody, do not have a bactericidal effect on strains ofEscherichia coli andSalmonella in the S phase. The sera of sterile piglets artificially colonized with a given type ofEscherichia coli showed a bactericidal effect within 4—7days after administration of the bacteria. This effect was specific for the strains with which the piglets had been colonized. Bacteria of a different antigenic character were susceptible to the action of the serum of these animals only after adding a small amount of the corresponding specific antibody. Quantitative experiments showed that the bactericidal test was extremely sensitive for determining antibodies which could be detected in concentration by three to four orders lower than by the agglutination test. Strains not possessing a complete set of antigens (in the R phase) were susceptible no the action of the serum of newborn animals containing only complement and no antibodies. The results show that complement acts directly on the R phase of bacteria. The view that the properdin system is identical with the bactericidal function of antibody and complement has been discussed and seems supported by these data.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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