Developing brain networks of attention

Current Opinion in Pediatrics - Tập 28 Số 6 - Trang 720-724 - 2016
Michael I. Posner1,2, Mary K. Rothbart1,2, Pascale Voelker1,2
1University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon USA
2e-mail: [email protected]

Tóm tắt

Purpose of review Attention is a primary cognitive function critical for perception, language, and memory. We provide an update on brain networks related to attention, their development, training, and pathologies. Recent findings An executive attention network, also called the cingulo-opercular network, allows voluntary control of behavior in accordance with goals. Individual differences among children in self-regulation have been measured by a higher order factor called effortful control, which is related to the executive network and to the size of the anterior cingulate cortex. Summary Brain networks of attention arise in infancy and are related to individual differences, including pathology during childhood. Methods of training attention may improve performance and ameliorate pathology.

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