Developing a university-wide academic integrity E-learning tutorial: a Canadian case

Lyle Benson1, Kristin Rodier2, Rickard Enström3, Evandro Bocatto1
1Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources and Management, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada
2Student Success Services, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada
3Department of Decision Sciences, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada

Tóm tắt

Academic integrity has become a significant point of concern in the post-secondary landscape, and many institutions are now exploring ways on how to implement academic integrity training for students. This paper delineates the development of an Academic Integrity E-Learning (AIE-L) tutorial at MacEwan University, Canada. In its first incarnation, the AIE-L tutorial was intended as an education tool for students who had been found to violate the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. However, in a discourse of the academic integrity process, the University reimagined it from only emphasising the increased understanding and strengthened commitment of students found to have committed academic misconduct to a proactive focus with education for all students. The purpose of the present paper is three-fold: first, describe the development of the AIE-L tutorial as an experiential case study; second, improve the content of the AIE-L tutorial through students’ quantitative and qualitative feedback; third, calibrate the pre and post-test questions for content validity for a forthcoming large-scale measurement of the AIE-L tutorial effectiveness.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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