Detecting COVID-19 in chest images based on deep transfer learning and machine learning algorithms
Tóm tắt
This study aimed to propose an automatic prediction of COVID-19 disease using chest CT images based on deep transfer learning models and machine learning (ML) algorithms.
The dataset consisted of 5480 samples in two classes, including 2740 CT chest images of patients with confirmed COVID-19 and 2740 images of suspected cases was assessed. The DenseNet201 model has obtained the highest training with an accuracy of 100%. In combining pre-trained models with ML algorithms, the DenseNet201 model and KNN algorithm have received the best performance with an accuracy of 100%. Created map by t-SNE in the DenseNet201 model showed not any points clustered with the wrong class.
The mentioned models can be used in remote places, in low- and middle-income countries, and laboratory equipment with limited resources to overcome a shortage of radiologists.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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