Detached flow over a step with the formation of a turbulent wake

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 358-364 - 1977
L. V. Gogish1, G. Yu. Stepanov1

Tóm tắt

A method of calculating the plane turbulent layer behind a step interacting with a free potential flow of incompressible fluid is developed. The method includes consideration of the initial boundary layer and injection (or suction) in the isobaric bottom region. Friction on the wall behind the step is neglected, which corresponds to symmetric quasisteady flow behind the straight edge of a plate. The inviscid flow is represented by the Keldysh-Sedov integral equations; the flow in the wake with a one-parameter velocity profile is represented by three first-order differential equations—the equations of momentum for the wake and motion along its axis and the equation of interaction (through the displacement thickness) of the viscous flow with the external potential flow. The turbulent friction in the wake is given, accurate to the single empirical constant, by the Prandtl equation. The different flow regions — on the plate behind the step, the isobaric bottom region, and the wake region — are joined with the aid of the quasi-one-dimensional momentum equation for viscous flow. The momentum equation for the flow as a whole serves as the closure condition. The obtained integrodifferential system of equations is approximated by a system of nonlinear finite-difference equations, whose solution is obtained on a computer by minimization of the sum of the squares of the discrepancies. The results of the calculations agree satisfactorily with experimental data.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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